Caterpillar Belgium refuses inspection of its war activities.

TAGroup inspectors put under arrest after targetting Caterpillar as Warprofiteer.
On the 15th of december 2009, the Transnational Awareness Group* inspected Caterpillar's production site in Charleroi, Belgium. The inspectors visited the company in order to verify information about Caterpillar's involvement in warcrimes. The company allegedly supports the Israeli military by providing them with bulldozers for military operations. Caterpillar tools have been used in demolitions of Palestinians' houses in the occupied territory, in the construction of the separation wall and settlements on Palestinian land, in military incursions and as weapons. The TAGroup inspectors entered the heavily secured production site in Charleroi in order to interview personnel and to take footage of the bulldozers and components in the factory. They were met with suspicion, followed around by security personnel and eventually arrested.
What is Caterpillar Belgium hiding? Caterpillar Belgium produces hydraulic diggers and dispensers, cylinders and other parts. It is the second biggest production unit of Caterpillar in the world. Caterpillar Belgium has clients all over the world and sells crucial parts to the US, where its mother company is based. Caterpillar US has been fiercely criticized for selling bulldozers to the Israeli military. The Caterpillar products are seen as key weapons in Israel's military occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Caterpillar Belgium's premises are heavily secured. The territory is hermetically sealed and controlled by CCTV camera's. Security guards patrol everywhere and visitors are carefully screened. The TAG employees did however enter the production site and were able to question employees and register information. The TAGroup inspectors asked for an official reaction by Caterpillar Belgium. The head of Public Relations admitted there are contracts with countries like Israel. She defended this activity by stating that Caterpillar Belgium simply manufactures the bulldozers, but doesn't sell them directly. No further questions could be answered without consulting head office. During the inspection, the TAGroup Action Team marked the company with TAGWAR logo's and banners. The security personnel got alarmed and removed 2 inspectors from the premises. Another team was held on a parking lot and delivered to the police. They were kept in a police station for over seven hours and interrogated thoroughly. Their car, mobile phones, photo- and video material were confiscated. This reaction by Caterpillar did not deter the inspectors. One of the arrested TAG employees, Mr Blondeel, states: “Caterpillar's reaction proves the necessity of our work. Transnational Awareness Group will continue its inspections across the world.” * The Transnational Awareness Group is a network of peace activists and concerned citizens that monitors warbusiness. TAGroup collects and spreads information about the way companies contribute to armed conflicts. Vredesactie (Peace Action) works with TAG inspectors for its campaign Economy@War. Through this campaign, Vredesactie reveals economical driving forces for war, and works towards the development of a peace economy.