OIP tagged as Warprofiteer

TAG team inspects production site in Audenaarde (B)
OIP, the Belgian company producing night vision goggles and aimpoints, received unexpected visitors from the Transnational Awareness Group. TAG inspectors entered the company's premises to verify information about complicity to warcrimes. They were specifically concerned about arms sales to controversial countries like Columbia and Israël.
They inspectors asked for a meeting with the management, in order to discuss the controversy about these contracts. OIP refused this conversation, but a couple of inspectors managed to do a short inspection anyway, by just walking into the building to have a look behind the scenes. The inspectors decided there were enough indications of warprofiteering. They called in their colleagues from the TAG Action Team, who promptly tagged OIP with WARTAG logo's and banners. They replaced the company's flag with one of their own. OIP is the daughter company of the Israeli arms company Elbit Systems. This company is one of Israel's biggest military companies and is strongly linked to the Israeli army. The systematic violations of human rights by this army, and the fact that Elbit's products are crucial in illegal activities, casts a shadow over Elbit and its daughter companies. TAG sees it as its duty to verify these allegations on site, to give the company a warlogo and to publish information about the activities of OIP and other Warprofiteers. More information at www.tagwar.eu