Defending Europe: An introduction to and critique of the militarisation of the European Union

QCEA's Chris Venables wrote an excellent introduction and critique to the militarization of the European Union. The analysis is not identically the same as ours, but in many ways it runs parallel to what is written in the dossier accompanying our campaign "Ctrl+Alt+EU: no military Europe", which is until now only available in Dutch. You can download the "really short version" of the dossier in English, though. This introduces the logical backbone of the Vredesactie analysis of EU-militarization.

From the QCEA-paper: "In December 2013, the European Council will discuss the future of CSDP and the majority of discussions in preparation for the Council meeting focus on improving EU military capabilities, and take place in informal formats under the radar screen of public scrutiny. This is a monstrous error." We fully agree. And that's why we call for action in the Brussels EU-quarter on December 19. Because a policy tailored to the needs of the arms industry does not lead to a safer Europe on a better world. See you on the streets.