Peace activist arrested in Brussels for silent protest

This morning, German citizen Michael Ebeling wanted to start a two-day non-stop fasting action in front of the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels. But even before he could start he was arrested by Belgian police for 'protest in a neutral zone'. This reppressive approach of freedom of speech stands in stark contrast with the ease with which representatives of the arms industry enter EU institutions every day, and shape EU policy.

The European Heads of State will convene on 19 and 20 December in the Justus Lipsius building. On the agenda: the extension of military EU and the strengthening of the Europan arms industry. With his action, Michael protests againsts the proposal for a new program for subsidizing the development of combat drones. The past year, proponents of military Europe have lobbied hard to promote combat drones as a future flagship of the European arms industry. Michael denounces the creeping and undemocratic decision making in the Brussels EU quarter. Michael: “Representatives of the arms industry are regulars at the EU institutions. The preferential treatment of the industry stands in stark contrast with the lack of democratic control. I'm here to raise my voice. When we outsource the EU defence and security policy to the arms industry, there is not much left of the European peace project”

Michael's action takes place in the frame of the day of action “EU, business as usual?”. On 19 and 20 December, Vredesactie and Agir pour la Paix take action in the EU quarter against the militaristion of the EU and the influence of the European arms industry on EU policy. They take action at different places where EU policy takes shape: the offices of arms industry lobbyists, the offices of EU administrations, … With these actions they disturb the status quo in the EU quarter and expose the links between corporations and politics.

Take part in the Day of Action "EU, business as usual?" on 19 December, and make your voice heard against the militarization of the EU and the influence of the arms industry. All information on the campaign page (click on the "Ctrl+Alt+EU" button in the right column)