
  • Belgian court hears arguments to end arms export to Turkey
    action & democracy arms trade

    Today a Belgian civil court will hear the arguments by a coalition of NGOs to end the export of military components to the Turkish air force.

  • A higher standard for human rights due diligence in arms exports?
    Yemen arms trade

    The obligations of companies to implement human rights due diligence (HRdd) has reached the political agenda with the announcement of EU Commissioner Reynders to propose a binding EU framework, a range of national initiatives and the negotiation of a UN Treaty

  • War in Yemen, Made in Europe: an infographic
    action & democracy Yemen arms trade

    On march 25th, the war in Yemen will be raging for five years. Today, we're launching an infographic showing the impact of the European arms trade on that war, and how we can strike back.

  • Belgian arms export halved due to court decision.
    action & democracy Yemen Belgian policy arms trade

    More than 50% of Belgian arms export has destination Saudi Arabia and is now blocked by the Belgian administrative court.