Put peace on the rails
Today from 14h till tomorrow 14h the action Trainstopping takes place in Melsele (near Antwerp harbour). During 24 hours the railway to the harbour of Antwerp will be occupated. Forum voor Vredesactie (Forum for Peace Action) calls everyone to be civil disobedient and to put ‘peace’ on the rails in an open and non-violent manner. During 24h we put our own body at risk to stop these war preparations. We stop the movement of tanks, trucks, helicopters, … to the war. This action is supported by the Anti War-Platform Irak, a coalition of more then 170 NGO’s.
Since middle January trains with American military material arrive in Antwerp harbour for shipping towards the Gulf area and Turkey. While most Belgians do not want war, not even with UN-mandate, Antwerp harbour is used in the war preparations against Iraq. If our government refuses to take her responsibility to stop this, we have to try ourselves to stop this aggression. With red lamps we give the military trains the signal to stop. We occupy the railway and do our normal weekend activities: sport, eating, dancing, studying, … We put peace on the rails. The legality of these military transports is very questionable. The US threaten already a while with war, with or without UN-mandate, and prepare this war actively. This is according to the Nürnberg-principles a crime against peace: “Crimes against peace: (i) Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances; (ii) Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i). “ By allowing these transports over its territory Belgium becomes a complice. NATO obligations can never mean the obligation to participate in a crime against peace. During World War II people stopped transports of Jews to the concentration camps. Belgian judiciary never made a crime of this. We can not stay quiet while military material passes which is going to kill 250 thousand people the coming months. If the Belgian authorities do not take measures against these crimes we are obliged under the Nürnberg-principles to act ourselves.