
4 jun / 2016
Impressie van de Data Harvest Conferentie

Elk jaar komt een heel diverse groep mensen – journalisten, hackers, docenten, onderzoekers, studenten, activisten – samen op de Data Harvest Conferentie, een meerdaagse conferentie over onderzoeks- en datajournalistiek. Om elkaar te ontmoeten, te luisteren naar de verhalen achter de schermen van de jongste internationale onderzoeksprojecten, van gedachten te wisselen over thema's als online privacy, om mensen wegwijs te maken in tools om online samen te werken en nog veel meer.[Lees verder]

15 okt / 2012
Peace activists hinder departure of F16 airplanes to NATO nuclear weapons exercise

As of 7:30 AM peace activists are using non-violent means to try and stop the departure of F16 airplanes from the base in Kleine Brogel. Starting today, Belgian pilots are training for the deployment of nuclear weapons together with their NATO-partners. Small groups of activists are going onto the runway to stop the taking off of the F-16s. Meanwhile, the main gate of the base is being blocked. In this way, Vredesactie and Action pour la Paix hope to prevent the preparation for war crimes.

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9 okt / 2012
Peace movements file a complaint against exercises in nuclear warfare

From 15 till 26 October, pilots of the Belgian Air Force will be conducting training exercises together with NATO-partners to prepare for the use of nuclear weapons. For this reason Belgian peace organizations went to the police today to file a complaint. The use of nuclear weapons, and by extension also the active preparation for said use, violates international humanitarian law.

[Lees verder]