Gewetensbezwaren en de "Coalition of the Willing"

One day ago, the second phase of the US-led "war on terrorism" started - the war on Iraq. The US led "coalition of the willing" is a list of countries, among them many which figure prominently in reports of human rights organisations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.
In a press statement released by the International Press Institute on 19 March, Johann P. Fritz, director of IPI, therefore called the coalition a 'coalition of the sinning', as many of the countries "have done their utmost to suppress and stifle the independent media in their countries". War Resisters' International is especially concerned about the right to conscientious objection within the "coalition of the willing", especially those countries sending troops, but is also very concerned about the right to demonstrate and take nonviolent action against the war on Iraq. Full story: