Belgian Bombspotting group block Faslane marine base – 8 activists arrested

Early this morning a group of Belgian 'Bombspotters' nonviolenty blocked the entrance of Faslane marine base. 8 Bombspotters were arrested.
The activists made it to the road in two groups and locked on to each other. They blocked the entrance for more than two hours. The police cut through their lock-ons and arrested 8 activists. At Faslane, near Glasgow, Britain currently deploys four Trident nuclear submarines, equipped with US missiles and up to 200 warheads, made at Aldermaston in Berkshire. The Bomspotters call on the Brittish government not to renew but to dismantle the Trident nuclear weapons system. Roel Stynen, one of the participants: “With our action, we aim to express our support to the Brittish struggle for disarmament. We call on the Brittish government to honour it's obligations under international law to disarm. At Faslane, but also at NATO's headquarters in Belgium and at Kleine Brogel air force base, where Belgian pilots train on the transport and use of US nuclear weapons, war crimes are prepared. It's time the nuclear powers start to respect international law and dismantle their nuclear weapons.” Bombspotting, the Belgian campaign for nuclear disarmament, started in 1997. Bombspotters enter and inspect places where the use of nuclear weapons is prepared. On Sunday night, the Bombspotting group witnessed the tranport by road of nuclear warheads from Faslane to the Aldermaston warhead factory. Top secret military convoys carrying nuclear warheads regularly travel up and down the country. The Bombspotting group drew attention to the deadly transport holding banners along it's route. Pictures on