E.U. safety policy

Defending Europe: An introduction to and critique of the militarisation of the European Union

QCEA's Chris Venables wrote an excellent introduction and critique to the militarization of the European Union. The analysis is not identically the same as ours, but in many ways it runs parallel to what is written in the dossier accompanying our campaign "Ctrl+Alt+EU: no military Europe", which is until now only available in Dutch.[Lees verder]

7 okt / 2013
Peace activists take action against the militarisation of Europe

On October 7th, activists from Vredesactie and Agir pour la Paix were taking action against the European Commission. Posing as arms dealers they hosted a Thank You EU reception in a pool of blood. “The arms dealers thank the EU for its generous support”, was the message. With the action Vredesactie and Agir pour la Paix draw attention to the growing militarisation of the European Union. They also denounce the grip of the arm industry on EU policy.

[Lees verder]